Solution Brief

Networking Defense on the Security Service Edge with Secureworks and Netskope

What you’ll learn:

  • Minimize risk from unseen threats originating at the edge
  • Perform edge investigations using a single, integrated solution
  • Increase security maturity of the enterprise and its environments
  • Enhance compliance posture with 365-day minimum data retention

The surge in new users, devices, applications, and data residing outside your network is significantly expanding attack surfaces and impacting analyst workloads. Most security products create silos and operational inefficiencies, forcing analysts to monitor multiple disparate consoles and spend valuable time filtering out noise and investigating false positives. Legacy security tools weren’t developed with the intent to work in a cloud-first and remote-work world, so many organizations have begun seeking out a new kind of technology that will enable a more comprehensive view of their environment — one that is analyst-centric, understands the language of the cloud, and helps evaluate and prioritize security alerts.

To address growing edge computing challenges, many companies turn to Security Service Edge (SSE) technology to modernize security controls, improve user performance, and mitigate risk across internal and external IT landscapes. To enable additional context, a SSE solution can then be integrated with an intrusion detection solution. Combined with normalized event data that provides additional contextual events from your existing security products, this delivers a single, holistic view of your defensive posture.