Threat Analysis

Sakula Malware Family


Dell SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit™ (CTU™) researchers analyzed multiple versions of a remote access trojan (RAT) named Sakula (also known as Sakurel and VIPER). The RAT, which according to compile timestamps first surfaced in November 2012, has been used in targeted intrusions through 2015. Sakula enables an adversary to run interactive commands as well as to download and execute additional components.

Sakula uses HTTP GET and POST communication for command and control (C2). Network communication is obfuscated with single-byte XOR encoding. Sakula also leverages single-byte XOR encoding to obfuscate various strings and files embedded in the resource section, which are subsequently used for User Account Control (UAC) bypass on both 32 and 64-bit systems. Most samples maintain persistence through a registry Run key, although some samples configure themselves as a service.


CTU researchers performed detailed analysis on 346 Sakula samples, including the installer and all dropped files used by the malware to run. The earliest compilation timestamp is November 21, 2012. As of this publication, the most recent sample observed by CTU researchers was compiled on January 1, 2015. Some installers compiled in 2013 are configured to drop samples compiled in 2014, suggesting that the initial installer has been successful and that the adversary has a build process that permits them to easily re-use components. Multiple samples include their debug information, which yielded properties like LANG_NAME and SUBLANG_NAME (whose values are 'LANG_CHINESE' and 'SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED', respectively).


CTU researchers observed a copy of Sakula being delivered in a strategic web compromise (SWC) that exploited CVE-2014-0322, which was a zero-day vulnerability in Internet Explorer at the time of compromise. A subset of Sakula variants are digitally signed, allowing them to bypass security controls and providing users with a false sense of security that the software is legitimate. Table 1 lists the publisher names, thumbprints, and serial numbers used by Sakula to digitally sign its installer component.

Publisher Thumbprint Serial number
Career Credit Co 3203BA1693B76FCB68D33BE0B9E8F312EE97A9B9 01 A5 D9 59 95 19 B1 BA FC FA D0 E8 0B 6D 67 35
DTOPTOOLZ Co. 6E752358D18B8B401A764ABE1AB9D6D5B42332C8 47 D5 D5 37 2B CB 15 62 B4 C9 F4 C2 BD F1 35 87
MICRO DIGITAL INC. 3E49A89005AA19A9294F919ACE81169A33789638 31 06 2E 48 3E 01 06 B1 8C 98 2F 00 53 18 5C 36
NexG 554C8DDCDD782FA3102D750D94551EDC9B8A608F 5E 3D 76 DC 7E 27 3E 2F 31 3F C0 77 58 47 A2 A2
SJ SYSTEM 918BF759D590CC2D2240938C1A4310B49DB2ACC0 20 D0 EE 42 FC 90 1E 6B 3A 8F EF E8 C1 E6 08 7A
U-Tech IT service AF7D3EC0D442C555E8E7337C571C2A72B32217D4 3A C1 0E 68 F1 CE 51 9E 84 DD CD 28 B1 1F A5 42

Table 1. Signature properties of certificates used to sign Sakula malware.

Some installers masqueraded as the following applications and used social engineering to convince users that the applications were required to do business:

  • Adobe Self Extractor
  • CITRIX Access Gateway Secure Input
  • Juniper SSL VPN ActiveX Plugin
  • Microsoft Hotfix
  • Security Exchange Mail Exchange ActiveX Control

Figures 1 through 5 show the status windows that the Sakula installers display to victims.

Figure 1. Screenshot of Sakula installer purporting to be installing Adobe software. (Source: Dell SecureWorks)

Figure 2. Screenshot of Sakula installer purporting to be installing Juniper software. (Source: Dell SecureWorks)

Figure 3. Screenshot of Sakula installer purporting to be installing Exchange software. (Source: Dell SecureWorks)

Figure 4. Screenshot of Sakula installer purporting to be installing Juniper software. (Source: Dell SecureWorks)

Figure 5. Screenshot of Sakula installer purporting to be installing a Microsoft ActiveX Control. (Source: Dell SecureWorks)


In most of the samples collected by the CTU research team, Sakula maintains persistence by setting the registry Run key (SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\) in either the HKLM or HKCU hive. The hive decision is based on the installer's ability to write to the %TEMP% directory. Through 2013, registry persistence was set using standard Windows APIs. In the samples compiled in 2014, the adversary switched to adding the Run key by invoking cmd.exe:

cmd.exe /c reg add %s\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "%s" /t REG_SZ /d "%s"

The registry value and filename vary by sample. CTU researchers extracted the following parameters:


  • MicroMedia
  • JuniperACX
  • MicroSoftMedia
  • CCPUpdate
  • SenseSvc


  • MediaCenter.exe
  • AdobeUpdate.exe
  • JuniperSafeACX.exe
  • MicroPlayerUpdate.exe
  • CitrixReciever.exe
  • SensrSvc.exe
  • SensrSvc2013.exe
  • MicroSoftSecurityLogin.ocx
  • Utmm.ocx
  • Sweep.exe
  • pdfforie.exe
  • shiape.exe

In the cases where Sakula does not use a registry key for persistence, it attempts to set itself up as a service (see Table 2). It invokes itself by calling WinExec with the "net start %s" argument (without quotes), where "%s" is the service name.

Service name Service description Filename and location
AppleService Apple Application Service. C:\WINDOWS\system32\AppleService.exe
Office Auto Update Microsoft Office Auto Update. C:\WINDOWS\system32\Sweep.exe

Table 2. Properties used by Sakula when setting itself up as a service.

Other than the service setup, the resident file location is fairly consistent across all samples. Most Sakula samples install their components within a directory under %TEMP%. The actual value of the environment variable is identified by an API call to ExpandEnvironmentStringsA. Three of the analyzed samples placed files in %APPDATA%, while the remaining Sakula samples placed files in a directory under %ALLUSERSPROFILE%. A small number of samples did not use an additional subdirectory. CTU researchers discovered Sakula files being installed under the following directory paths:

  • %TEMP%\MicroMedia\
  • %TEMP%\JuniperACX\
  • %TEMP%\MicroMedia\
  • %TEMP%\MicroSoftMedia\
  • %TEMP%\
  • %APPDATA%\

The 2014 samples maintain persistence with the same SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ registry key, but Sakula leverages DLL side-loading, which involves running a legitimate, typically digitally signed, program that loads a malicious DLL. The legitimate application is a digitally signed sample of Kaspersky Anti-Virus (AV) 6.0 for Windows Workstations. When the Kaspersky application is run, it loads a file named msi.dll, which is located within the same directory. The msi.dll file is configured to read and XOR-decode setup.msi, also located in the same directory, and run it in memory. The XOR-decode process, which skips zeroes, uses the single-byte key 0x88.

The 2015 sample differs from the 2014 samples in the files used and how the persistence mechanism is executed. Instead of the Kaspersky application, the 2015 sample uses a legitimately signed file from McAfee's Outlook Scan About Box application. Sakula names this file either MicroWhoknow.dll or Emabout.dll. There are two additional files within the same directory. The first, shutil.dll, is loaded by MicroWhoknow.dll or Emabout.dll and is configured to read and XOR-decrypt Thumbs.db using the same XOR key value as setup.msi. The other is the registry key used for persistence, which uses VBScript to call cmd.exe to run a DLL via the rundll32 application, passing the Plugupdate export within the MicroWhoKnow.dll as its entry point:

HKU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MicroWhoknow: "mshta vbscript:CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("cmd /c cd C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\MicroWhoknow && rundll32 MicroWhoknow.dll Plugupdate",0)(window.close)" 

Multiple samples contain UAC bypass code for both 32 and 64-bit systems. The UAC bypass code is stored as 'DAT' in the file's resource section. The two DLLs are stored in separate items, identified as 101 and 102. The files are single-byte XOR-encoded with the value 0x24. The decode process skips hex bytes identical to the XOR key and zeroes. Based on whether the compromised system is 32-bit or 64-bit, the appropriate file is written and run using cmd.exe calling rundll32 on the DLL with the PlayWin32 or PlayWin64 export.

Persistence for the UAC bypass DLL file is maintained via a SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ registry key in the HKLM or HKCU hive, with the value "CCPUpdate". Other Sakula variants temporarily write the files to disk and execute each time the main Sakula application is called. In these cases, the temporary file is written to the %TEMP% directory, and the filename is a combination of numbers generated from a call to GetTickCount and the '.dat' extension (e.g., 2225260.dat). In some instances, the filename is prefaced with the word "Center" (e.g., Center509671.dat).

In a small group of Sakula samples from 2013, the install process also modified the hosts file to point some of the victim's subdomains to various IP addresses within the victim's own organization. The malware also registered a file as a command component within the registry.

In the Sakula samples where the install process performed cleanup, the malware invoked cmd.exe. This process was instantiated by first performing a ping request to localhost to ensure the install process completed before the temporary file was deleted:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" /c ping & del /q %TEMP%\Center73946.dat

On a subset of samples compiled in 2014, Sakula invoked the default web browser, which loaded a hard-coded URL. This action occurred after the seemingly legitimate application (discussed in the Delivery section) finished installing. Of the following URLs hard-coded within the malware, only the first three appeared to be under the adversary's control:

  • http:// www . qzbwcq . com/cookie.html
  • http:// sharepoint-vaeit . com/login.php?ref
  • http:// extcitrix . we11point . com/vpn/index.php?ref=1
  • https:// portal . caci . com/
  • https:// webmail . mfa . gov . mn/
  • http:// cabinet . gov . mn/mfa-gov/Success.html
  • http:// www . bisononthevinayerd . org/BisonOntheVineyard.pdf


Sakula obfuscates many of its strings using single-byte XOR obfuscation. Samples with a 2012 compile timestamp use a key value of either 0x88 or 0x56. Samples compiled in 2013 and 2014 use a key value of 0x56, while the lone 2015 sample uses 0x57.

Core functionality across all Sakula samples is fairly consistent. While there are some minor differences among the samples, Sakula typically implements eight commands (see Table 3).

Case Description
1 Invoke a remote shell via named pipe with optional command
2 Download and execute (randomly named file in %TEMP%)
3 Upload a file by path
4 Call WinExec on file
5 Update C2 OR C2 beacon interval
6 Uninstall and exit
7 Get information about self (PID/filename)
8 Invoke a remote shell OR sleep

Table 3. Command functionality available in Sakula samples analyzed by CTU researchers.

The "OR" in Table 3 indicates that the feature for that case varied by sample. For Case 2, the randomly named file is generated each time the command is used. It is sourced from a call to GetTickCount and is appended with ".exe". Case 8 was observed in samples compiled in mid-2013, with the Sleep command introduced in the only 2015 sample identified as of this publication.

Command and control

Sakula uses HTTP GET and POST for command and control, with most samples configured with only one C2 server. The network communications are encoded with the single-byte XOR keys listed in Table 4.

XOR key value Observed sample year (based on compile time)
0x59 2012 and 2013
0x56 2013 and 2014
0x66 2014
0x5C 2014
0x7C 2015

Table 4. Single-byte XOR keys used to decode network traffic.

The URI patterns used to communicate with the C2 server are fairly consistent across all samples regardless of compile time. Table 5 lists a breakdown of format by HTTP method in the analyzed Sakula samples.

HTTP method URI request format
POST /check.asp?imageid=%s&type=%d
POST /newimage.asp?imageid=%s&type=%d&resid=%d
POST /news/view.asp?cookie=%s&type=%d&vid=%d
POST /script.asp?imageid=%s&type=%d&resid=%d&nmsg=up
POST /update.asp?cstring=%s&tom=%d&id=%d
POST /view.asp?cookie=%s&type=%d&vid=%d
GET /news/photo/%s.jpg?vid=%d
GET /photo/%s.jpg
GET /photo/%s.jpg?id=%d
GET /photo/%s.jpg?resid=%d
GET /script.asp?resid=%d&nmsg=del&photoid=%s
GET /view.asp?cstring=%s&tom=0&id=%d
GET /viewphoto.asp?photoid=%s
GET /viewphoto.asp?resid=%d&photoid=%s
GET /x0x/%s.jpg?id=%d

Table 5. Sakula URI formats by HTTP method. URIs using %s insert a string of characters, and %d insert digits.

Sakula uses hard-coded User-Agents in its C2 communications but did not mimic standard browser User-Agents until 2014:

  • iexplorer
  • Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+8.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1)
  • Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)


The Sakula RAT has been in use since 2012 with very few changes to the code base, which indicates that it is effective in targeted intrusions. Simplistic in nature, the small command set for Sakula allows its operator to actively control a compromised system, download and execute additional components, and hide in plain sight with single-byte XOR-encoded HTTP GET and POST C2 communications.

Threat indicators

The threat indicators in Table 6 can be used to detect activity related to Sakula. The IP addresses and domains may contain malicious content, so consider the risks before opening them in a browser.

Indicator Type Context IP address Sakula C2 server IP address Sakula C2 server IP address Sakula C2 server IP address Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula decoy page Domain name Sakula decoy page Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula decoy page Domain name Sakula C2 server Domain name Sakula C2 server
iexplorer User-Agent Hard-coded Sakula User-Agent
User-Agent Hard-coded Sakula User-Agent
/check.asp?imageid=%s&type=%d URI Sakula hard-coded POST request format
/newimage.asp?imageid=%s&type=%d&resid=%d URI Sakula hard-coded POST request format
/news/view.asp?cookie=%s&type=%d&vid=%d URI Sakula hard-coded POST request format
/script.asp?imageid=%s&type=%d&resid=%d&nmsg=up URI Sakula hard-coded POST request format
/update.asp?cstring=%s&tom=%d&id=%d URI Sakula hard-coded POST request format
/view.asp?cookie=%s&type=%d&vid=%d URI Sakula hard-coded POST request format
/news/photo/%s.jpg?vid=%d URI Sakula hard-coded GET request format
/photo/%s.jpg URI Sakula hard-coded GET request format
/photo/%s.jpg?id=%d URI Sakula hard-coded GET request format
/photo/%s.jpg?resid=%d URI Sakula hard-coded GET request format
/script.asp?resid=%d&nmsg=del&photoid=%s URI Sakula hard-coded GET request format
/viewphoto.asp?photoid=%s URI Sakula hard-coded GET request format
/view.asp?cstring=%s&tom=0&id=%d URI Sakula hard-coded GET request format
/viewphoto.asp?resid=%d&photoid=%s URI Sakula hard-coded GET request format
/x0x/%s.jpg?id=%d URI Sakula hard-coded GET request format
Career Credit Co Publisher name Used to digitally sign Sakula malware
DTOPTOOLZ Co. Publisher name Used to digitally sign Sakula malware
MICRO DIGITAL INC. Publisher name Used to digitally sign Sakula malware
NexG Publisher name Used to digitally sign Sakula malware
SJ SYSTEM Publisher name Used to digitally sign Sakula malware
U-Tech IT service Publisher name Used to digitally sign Sakula malware
Run\MicroWhoknow: "mshta vbscript:CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("cmd /c cd C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\MicroWhoknow && rundll32 MicroWhoknow.dll Plugupdate",0)(window.close)"
Registry key Used by Sakula to maintain persistence
%TEMP%\MicroMedia\ Path Sakula malware installation path
%TEMP%\JuniperACX\ Path Sakula malware installation path
%TEMP%\MicroMedia\ Path Sakula malware installation path
%TEMP%\MicroSoftMedia\ Path Sakula malware installation path
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\MicroMediaCCP\ Path Sakula malware installation path
031832adb059c8a30bf06e3036813a05 MD5 hash Sakula malware
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d1f0ff695021aed31ada3397ad1f491e MD5 hash Sakula malware
d2a27b9acb8dc9a9adbde76d2a10a189 MD5 hash Sakula malware
d3cb441f03e8370155381d74c2b7d827 MD5 hash Sakula malware
d57075de72308ed72d8f7e1af9ce8431 MD5 hash Sakula malware
d5d6881b4bef3544d9067b71af3287eb MD5 hash Sakula malware
d7351f6937379dbbeedc83d37a86e794 MD5 hash Sakula malware
d810b773e694279ece31106c26fb2869 MD5 hash Sakula malware
d82230d1ac02405d16530f849abdde0b MD5 hash Sakula malware
d875a70c4b07dcc18770870c9c1d2abd MD5 hash Sakula malware
dc7469f6b18cfce712156e3988d238d2 MD5 hash Sakula malware
df15e0f3169f65080ee7d783c061cda3 MD5 hash Sakula malware
dfea1e69d2f5d84a1b6c6b67b01b7ff8 MD5 hash Sakula malware
e0b6a8e23e0d586663e74f1e1d755ae0 MD5 hash Sakula malware
e13bf40bbdbba86d638c04e0d72de268 MD5 hash Sakula malware
e1b53ff413915e03245807b2eba504eb MD5 hash Sakula malware
e1ccd9f1696e4bf943fa2816356a443b MD5 hash Sakula malware
e36028a1bf428bb5a0993dc445deb5b8 MD5 hash Sakula malware
e7139a2e1e28efd6c303dc28f676ffe3 MD5 hash Sakula malware
e804f5d88ceb937b6ce0c900260793d3 MD5 hash Sakula malware
ec85830342217b5d03f6bd26a703ce1a MD5 hash Sakula malware
ef855c88842821a15a80bbee00024817 MD5 hash Sakula malware
ef94e4b0bd689972df09e19a3ed0653e MD5 hash Sakula malware
f1eb2a68d5d438e93a22b2126c812f4d MD5 hash Sakula malware
f349ee3706c815a79a60d2534284935d MD5 hash Sakula malware
f4862b793f89b9ca59da6ac38dff0e2d MD5 hash Sakula malware
f5b9862f2d508c57b81fbaaad91030f4 MD5 hash Sakula malware
f8dbcfe4f826aa27724ccfd6b080b26d MD5 hash Sakula malware
f918fc73484f2a1684de53040ec816d2 MD5 hash Sakula malware
f942344daf85bf211b4a27a1c947843c MD5 hash Sakula malware
f9b71e959f79d25bad195f59f5ae502e MD5 hash Sakula malware
faed2bcd842e81c180a6ac9dde78f8d5 MD5 hash Sakula malware
fcad5bdeb3eb2eaa6e1c2bb9d9eb2cc0 MD5 hash Sakula malware
fd69439c6e2bac79e490b9572b6c91ad MD5 hash Sakula malware
ff1d5c6a476a56eb7ca4e38b57761a4e MD5 hash Sakula malware

Table 6. Threat indicators for Sakula.


Secureworks Counter Threat Unit™ (CTU) researchers frequently serve as expert resources for the media, publish technical analyses for the security community, and speak about emerging threats at security conferences. Leveraging Secureworks’ advanced security technologies and a network of industry contacts, the CTU™ research team tracks threat actors and analyzes anomalous activity, uncovering new attack techniques and threats. This process enables CTU researchers to identify threats as they emerge and develop countermeasures that protect customers before damage can occur.
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