Secureworks AI

Designed from the ground up with artificial intelligence (AI) built in, the Secureworks Taegis™ platform drives our advanced detectors, automated responses, and supports security analysts.

AI Stats

Secureworks AI by the Numbers

Our vast set of human-validated AI training data is constantly expanding in both volume and diversity, to continuously improve existing and enable new AI-powered detection and response capabilities:

>780 billion

daily security data events ingested into Taegis provides timely insights into new and emerging threats

>45 petabytes

of diverse data across endpoint, cloud, network, email and other systems enables detections across threat vectors


human curated detectors from our Counter Threat Unit™ uncover the latest threats across our customers

>40 billion

nodes in our Counter Threat Unit™ proprietary research graph provides contextual insights while leaving no place for threats to hide


human-validated threat investigations conducted annually contribute to a feedback loop for continuous improvement


Annual manual incident responses and penetration tests drive AI innovation based on real-world findings

Man typing on a laptop.

AI-Based Threat Detection

Our advanced Hands-on-Keyboard detector uncovers “live” keyboard inputs from malicious actors, based on training from over 3.3 trillion security events. With a false alarm rate below 1 in 150 Million, it is one example of how Secureworks AI-driven detectors are designed to focus analysts on high value actions rather than chasing uncertain alerts.

AI In Action

Secureworks AI In Practice

We have trained our systems on a large, growing, proprietary, and human-validated data set to achieve superior performance. By integrating AI into Taegis, we are driving efficiency and accuracy for our customers.

AI Integrated Natively Into the Taegis Platform

Hundreds of AI models leverage our proprietary data set and thousands of investigation hours to perform automated threat detections, prioritize threats & draft incident summaries.

Global business research. Businessman analysis stock market.

AI Driving SOC Efficiency and Response Time

Over the span of one year, our use of AI has reduced investigation times by more than 50% and saved analysts 90% of the time it takes to write investigations, further accelerating responses.

Man and Woman Looking At Tablet in Control Room

AI Reducing Detection False Positives and False Negatives

AI augments manual review of human analyst work in event classification and investigation escalation, providing a continuous feedback and audit loop that improves performance.


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